Project „Nowoczesne Zarządzanie Agrobiznesem w Rolnictwie i Agroturystyce” nr 2016-1-PL01-KA102-025023 funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
Polish-Greek dictionary created by students during the project
Project Data:
Project implemented by the European Foundation for Education and the Sports and funded by Erasmus+ Program, project number 2016-1-PL01-KA102-025023.
Project duration: 15 months (2016-06-01 – 2017-08-31)
Project description:
On 19.04.2017-02.05.2017 (departure 18.04, return 3.05) a group of young people (48 people + 4 teachers) has been doing their internship in Greece. The professional internship was realized within the framework of the project „Modern Management of Agribusiness in Agriculture and Rural Tourism” and its organizer was the European Education and Sports Foundation. The project „Modern Management of Agribusiness in Agriculture and Agrotourism” was addressed to 48 students studying in the field of agrobusiness techniques at the school in Ostroleka, Goworowo and in Jabłon.
The project was based on a professional internship in Greece. The pupils’ participation in the internship program provided them with theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the school and the opportunity to benefit from the experience of highly specialized staff of the Greek organization. The framework program of the internships corresponded to the local needs of the agricultural region of origin of the pupils, and also took into account the aims and requirements of the training in the profession of agribusiness.
For effective project implementation, pupils attended language, cultural, psychological and health and safety workshops before departure.
The project was adapted to the contemporary challenges of agriculture and responded to the needs of the local labor market. Vocational training was supported by the attitude of entrepreneurship among young people, which will inevitably result in the formation of own agribusiness enterprises or agritourism farms, which are crucial for the development of their region. The skills and competences that pupils have gained during apprenticeship will enable them to better find themselves in the labor market.
During their free time, the students enjoyed the Aegean Sea, relaxed on the beach and enjoyed beautiful sunshine and local attractions. Unforgettable trips around Greece and tasting typical Greek cuisine were also unforgettable.
They said after the project:
„When I went to internship I was in Greece for the 1st time abroad. I loved it, the work was in a cool way, because almost every day we were dealing with different things, I did not get bored during the internship. ” – Andrzej Kryński, Ostrozany
„On the spot we had the opportunity not only to do some interesting things but also to try Greek food and to visit the Olympic Rivier. Things we could not do in Poland, such as working on kiwifruit or olives „- Marcin Konarski, Jabłoń
„The practices were great, there was some free time and tours, great weather and the hotel, I’ve heard of Erasmus + projects before but I’ve never been, I would be very happy to go again” – Dominika Czajkowska, Jabłoń
The internships in Greece gave the students the opportunity to develop their career, they returned not only with new knowledge and experience but also with wonderful memories of their stay, the amazing adventure, during which they learned about Greek culture and country, tried another life, became more communicative, open and brave and in the same time they improved their English.
If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!