Our common project with ZSP CKU in Szydłów!


Together with the School from Poland – Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego im. Władysława Stanisława Reymonta in Szydłów we are organizing the project called „The practice will create a master, so: You know more – You can do more!”. The initiative is a response to the needs of young people and teachers of the School. As students and staff pointed on a number of areas for development in the field of education and the desire to carry out this project, the mobility is a response to the identified, existing needs.

The duration of the project is a total of 16 months, from 01.09.2017 to 31.12.2018 and the main activities are planned for 70 students in total who will go to foreign internships and will be accompanied by six tutors from the School. Under the project there will be 3 mobilities for:

  1. 20 Car vehicles technicians – on April 9-20, 2018;
  2. 17 Nutrition and food services technicians – on April 23 – May 4, 2018;
  3. 20 Car vehicles technicians and 13 Nutrition and food services technicians – on September 17-28, 2018.

The primary purpose is to help 70 students of ZSP in Szydłów in entering the labor market through the development of their professional skills and work experience, making them attractive for potential future co-workers and a number of employers. Action presupposes completion of trips for training abroad. Participants will be selected according to established criteria for recruitment.

The specific objectives of the project include:

– gaining new knowledge about standards in the profession through gaining practical skills, dealing with duties, as real example of work in specific enterprises;

– acquiring the ability to adapt to different working and living conditions;

– knowledge and opportunity to experience other cultures, mainly Greek through traineeship in partners’ companies from this country. Consequently, young people will gain active, open and tolerant attitudes that enable them to actively participate in the life of their society, building a sense of European integration and identity in the European spirit;

– the acquisition of a range of skills and changing attitudes to more open, allowing international contacts and, consequently – expanding opportunities for personal growth and enhancing employment opportunities, not only in the domestic and European labor market, but also beyond their borders. The newly-acquired expertise will also be confirmed by few certificates, making the documentation of the passing process easier;

– increasing the linguistic competence of participants – primarily in English, which is the working language of the internship, but also the opportunity to get used to the language of Greek people;

– making the school’s offer and its possibilities more attractive in the area of giving it an international character in the fields of training, education and youth work, making educational institution which will be able to effectively answer the needs of the ever increasing demands of youth;

– strengthen the synergies effect, through a combination of methods of formal and non-formal education, trainings and internships with the inoculation among young people the idea of entrepreneurship;

– supporting the process of improvement and continuing education staff, through active participation in the project, its coordination, as well as participation in various range of activities, which greatly expand the horizons of teachers and caregivers. This will allow the introduction of innovation, and thus – improving training methods.

The project participants will acquire during their internships a number of competencies that can be divided into two sub-categories: core and professional competencies, as well as so-called „soft-skills”. Consequently, they not only fit to the obligatory program of making internships while being a student, but also give valuable experience with the use of theoretical knowledge. Also youth will gain a new, open base, strengthen their self-confidence, making their CVs more attractive and – by all of those – increasing the chance of finding a dream job in their profession.

The first mobility is going to happen soon, so we will inform You how it was! 🙂

If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!