85 students, 8 teachers, in total 24 days and a lot of work and great moments. That’s in our opinion the shortest, but also the best conclusion according to Qualified European specialist from Dąbrowa Tarnowska project, which we were a partner, who responsible for organizing stay of the young people in Greece and implementing, created commonly programe of internship.
The main target of the project, besides of organizing an internship, was to let students develop their skills (vocational, soft skills, linguistic and many other), gain real work experience, which they can get in school. We also wanted to make them more self-confident, with sense of entrepreneurship and good attitudes as: will to develop, open-mindedness, curiosity about other cultures and tolerance. As we slowly starting evaluation process, we can conclude that all of them were fulfilled and chance of kids to get dream job seriously increased. It is very important, especially that in region where they come from, there is relatively very high level of unemployment among the Youth. We are really happy that thanks to the great cooperation between Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 2 w Dąbrowie Tarnowskiej and GEORGIKES EKMETALEUSEIS & TRAINING SERVICES, targets of the projects were fulfilled and both organizations could benefit from it, by increasing their experience and skills of employees in sector of coordinating projects.
Besides of evaluation, which will be done with many different methods on ways, we also work very hard on promoting project results, to let also other people benefit from it. Soon, we will publish a great brochure which will contain description of the project, education results, report from the cultural programe and many others. Also, the students which took part in the project created great chronicle, which can be seen in the school. We can also recommend to check project fan page on Facebook platform, which contains many photos and description of daily tasks of the students. You can find it here:
So few next months we will spend on evaluation and dissemination effort. Unfortunately there is no only such a duties as working with the Youth, which is total pleasure for us, but also paper work which can be done, and it is equally important. That’s why we are not stopping!
We are also waiting for the final evaluation of another project which school applied for, and we are keeping our finger crossed very hard to have one more possibility, to work and have fun together!
If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!