Project summary.

It was a great pleasure to implement second common project with ZS im. W.S. Reymonta w Brniu. Project “The Youth developement through foreign vocational internships” (PL. “Rozwój młodzieży poprzez zagraniczne staże zawodowe”) is almost finished. We are currently working on evaluation and promotion of the project with every source we have.

As part of the project, we realized one foreign professional mobility, which was attended by 42 students, including 25 educating at the Technical Secondary School of Construction and 17 at the Technical Secondary School of Landscape Architecture. The mobility took place between October 28 and November 8, 2019 in Greece, in the Olympic Riviera. The youth followed an 80-hour internship program in Greek enterprises in line with the field of education, as well as an educational and cultural program. During their stay, they were accompanied by 4 teachers who acted as accompanying persons and supported the entire educational process. Foreign mobility was the main project activity, but not the only one. It was preceded by elements such as information campaign, recruitment, and preparatory training. However, after its completion, the project results were disseminated, in which students also actively joined. Evaluation was an ongoing activity throughout the entire project, which allowed for the collection of many quantitative and qualitative data and materials that were used to create this report, as well as its attachments.

It is worth noting that the project brought many results, both hard and soft. The main one is, of course, the comprehensive development of students participating in the project, who acquired many new skills (professional, linguistic, personal, cultural), broadened their knowledge and horizons, and gained valuable experience. Importantly, this has been properly confirmed in the form of several certificates. It is worth noting that personal development was also noted by teachers who had the opportunity to be on mobility. An important result from the point of view of the functioning of the entire facility is also the relatively high number of applications for admission to the school, which we have noted since the beginning of the school’s adventure with the Erasmus + program and PO WER. In this context, cooperation with foreign entities is also important, as it allows to update the curricula and internships, as well as to use innovative methods. In the context of the international activities of the school, we also observed an increase in the motivation and aspirations of students who want to qualify for the next edition of the project, make an intensive educational effort.

We have to admit, that cooperation between both organizations went without any troubles and miscommunication problems. We were solving issues really fats, thanks to good communication and understanding on both sides. Also, it was very important that we had common target, which is good of students, who were man beneficiaries of the project. In the same time, also we were improving our potential and possibilities. Also, thanks to the project, it was possible to create some kind of discussion platform between business and education sector. We could talk about main problem and needs of both; thanks to that they will be able to adapt to modern needs of job market.

Some of the results prepared within the project, such as project’s brochure and projects evaluative report, can be found below. We also invite to check project’s facebook side, which can be found here –ój-młodzieży-poprzez-zagraniczne-staże-zawodowe


If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!