We are happy to inform that we have finalized all planned mobilities under, yet another project dedicated for vocational education. It was our great pleasure to accomplish this with Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich in Warsaw as part of the implementation of their project entitled “Experience and passion are the key to success” [PL: “Doświadczenie i pasja to klucz do sukcesu”]. As the final stage of the project approaches, we are preparing the evaluation and promotion process for the project.
As part of the project we have implemented 2 foreign vocational education mobilities for a group of 30 participants each. The overall group of particiopants consisted of 27 hospitality technicians and 33 nutrition and catering services technicians, who were all students of ZSGH. The mobilities took place in the first half of July and at the end of September 2021. They were both implemented in Greece in the Olympic Riviera region. All students implemented an 80 hour long internship program, during which they completed numerous tasks in the field of HOREC at Poseidon Palace hotel. Along with their training program, they have also completed a cultural program which consisted of major trips such as Meteora and Skiathos, along with many smaller trips, which were concluded outside of working hours. Through the mobilities, the groups were supported by 6 teachers from ZSGH, whom know the participants and thanks to which were the best people to provide support in situations of need. Alongside the teacher, mentors from our organization and from the places the students worked at provided continuous tutoring, advise and help. The program in combination with the right people allowed for the students, which are the main recipients of the project, to develop their professional, social and language skills.
Even though the main activities of the project were the mobilities, other activities also took place as part of the action plan. Mobilities were proceeded by elements such as information campaign, recruitment, and preparatory training. All these elements consisted of individual evaluation stages in which students were actively engaged. Therefor the evaluation process was an ongoing activity throughout the entire project, which allowed for the collection of many quantitative and qualitative data and materials that are being used for the final report as well as the evaluation report, which has been attached.
For the project it was anticipated that is will bring many results, including both hard and soft. The most expected is the comprehensive development of skills among the participating students. They have expanded existing skills or gained completely new skills in the professional, linguistic, personal, and cultural fields. The opportunity to travel abroad has given them the chance to broaden their knowledge and horizons while also gaining valuable experience. These developments have been properly confirmed in the form of several certificates, which the students have received throughout the project’s lifespan. Though the project also the school’s teachers and our organizations have developed through the opportunities to interact and work with the aim of a common goal. Both institutions have developed in the sense of cooperating with foreign entities. They have also updated their curricula, based on real-life expectations of the labor market as well as the requirements of the educational program. Thanks to the internship, they have had the opportunity to try and to implement innovative methods to the educational process. In the context of international activities, an increase in the motivation and aspiration of students who want to qualify for future editions of similar projects has grown and intensified.
Cooperation between both organizations was also a success. No greater troubles were determined. All arising issues were tackled immediately with, thanks to good communication and understanding. The targets for the projects were directly presented by all parties to each other. This also included students, which were the main beneficiaries of the project and who’s aim was do develop professional skills. The school’s aim was to improve our potential and possibilities, especially in the field of international communication and cooperation. The cooperation and program established for the project allowed for establishing a discussion platform between business and education sector.
All major project results were formalized in the form of brochures along and project’s evaluation report. These documents can be found bellow.
If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!