The project „Development of young people through foreign internships” is addressed to 40 students of ZS im. W.S. Reymonta in Bren (24 students from the construction technician and 16 landscape architectures technician). Mobility will take place between 28th of October and 8th of November 2019 and its main goal is to implement vocational internship for students.
During two-week internships students will work according to the program internship under the supervision of both Greek mentors who will be supported by teachers from school. The internship program was developed in cooperation with local entrepreneurs and both partners. The project was created in response to the need for school graduates to acquire professional, language and interpersonal skills that would enable for them to start their adult life. It is important because many of polish students come from families struggling with financial difficulties.
The goals and assumptions of the project are first and foremost: acquiring professional skills, going beyond the core curriculum of vocational education, improving language skills, personal and social competences, comparing methods of work organization and technologies used in the host country, learning about the culture and traditions of the host country or shaping a positive the image of the school in the local environment.
We are really happy to cooperate with ZS im. W.S. Reymonta in Bren for the second time. In 2017 we had a great project which involved 60 students and 6 teachers. They were really enjoying time in Greece and we hope that it can be repeated this time as well. It is second common initiative approved by Polish National Agency made in cooperation with us. 100 students from ZS im. W.S. Reymonta in Bren carried their internships in Greece already in total. All of them were organized by Georgikes Ekmetaleuseis & Training Services in cooperation with local companies.