VET projects

Continuing our partnership with the School from Poland – Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego im. Władysława Stanisława Reymonta in Szydłów we are organizing next common project called „Mobility for Szydłów!”. The initiative is a response to the identified needs of students and the teaching staff of the School.

The whole project will last 15 months – from 01.10.2018 to 31.12.2019. In its framework a number of activities related to the implementation of all the activities will be undertaken. It is planned to organize two main activities, so foreign mobilities, under which students, accompanied by tutors from the School will take internships in Greek enterprises, in spring and autumn 2019.

The mobilities will take place in the following dates:

  1. for 8 Agriculture technicians – on March 15-28, 2019;
  2. for 8 Agriculture technicians, 8 Car vehicles technicians and 5 Nutrition and food services technicians – on September 17-30, 2019.

The overriding goal of the project is to facilitate 29 students of ZSP CKU in Szydłów entering the labor market. This will happen through the development of their professional skills and gaining practical experience. Thanks to them, they will become attractive potential employees for a number of employers – from the food, catering, as well as automotive and agricultural industries. Action presupposes completion of trips for training abroad. Participants will be selected according to established criteria for recruitment.

A number of specific objectives will contribute to the implementation of the main objective, which include:

  1. Acquisition by 29 students of ZSP CKU in Szydłów a range of skills and a change in attitudes to more open, enabling international contacts, and consequently – expanding opportunities for personal development and increasing employability not only in the domestic and European labor market, but also beyond its borders;
  2. Confirmation with appropriate certificates of newly acquired attitudes and competences, which will greatly facilitate the documentation of the completed process and make the portfolio of future graduates more attractive;
  3. Acquiring the ability to adapt to different working and living conditions and other soft skills, such as coping in stressful situations, time management, communication skills, responsibility, tolerance, flexibility, punctuality, etc.
  4. Understanding the labor standards in force in a given profession, through practical understanding of the scope of duties on the example of real tasks performed;
  5. Getting to know and being able to interact with another culture through internships in Greek partner companies;
  6. Gaining/developing by young people active, open, tolerant attitudes that will allow them to actively participate in the life of societies, building a sense of European integration and identity in a spirit of European values;
  7. Increasing the language competences of 29 participants – mainly in the field of English, which will be the working language of the project, but also the opportunity to associate and acquire the basics of Greek language;
  8. Strengthening students’ motivation to learn, broaden their interests and participate in various types of initiatives;
  9. Making the School’s offer more attractive to its international character in the field of training, education and youth work, which will enable the educational institution to respond more effectively to the needs that constantly increase the requirements of young people;
  10. Strengthening the synergy effect, by combining formal and non-formal education methods, as well as training and apprenticeships with instilling the idea of entrepreneurship in young people;
  11. Supporting the process of improving and educating the educational staff, thanks to active participation in the project, its coordination and participation in particular activities, which significantly broadens the horizons of teachers and carers. This will allow for the introduction of innovativeness, and hence – improvement of education methods.

During their internships project participants will acquire a series of competences, which can be divided into two subcategories: key and professional competences and soft competences, so-called soft-skills. Consequently, students will not only take part in internships as part of the core curriculum, gain valuable experience through the use of their theoretical knowledge, but also acquire new, open bases, strengthen their self-confidence, thereby enhancing their CV and increasing chance to find a dream job in a learned profession.

The first mobility is going to happen soon, so we will inform You how it was! 🙂

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After the holidays, the next and the last group under the project has come to Greece. This time 20 Car vehicles technicians and 13 Nutrition and food services technicians could use the possibility to make their internships in Greece. They spent with us 12 days and were here on the dates: 17-28 of September 2018, performing the tasks under their profession.

Besides of many different professional skills, during all of the 3 mobilities, youth could also develop their language skills, using English in everyday life and communicating with co-workers. The have also:

– become more open for new experiences,

– made the confrontation of previous experience related to work in Poland with those acquired while staying in Greece,

– get acquainted with the requirements that must be met in order to be an attractive candidate to work in a given industry, including verifying the knowledge and skills in confrontation with the expectations and standards of the receiving companies,

– gained new experiences that can be used on the Polish and European labor market,

– learned independence and coping with stress in various life situations,

– acquired team work skills, work organization, division of tasks and executing orders of superiors,

– strengthened their faith in their own abilities, assertiveness and increase motivation for


– increased their chances of employment (both on the domestic and European market) by carrying out mandatory internships required by the core curriculum in an attractive international environment, which allows learning about another system, culture and work standards, and thus – their interest in intercultural issues and the ability to find a place in a multicultural society increased, as well as they broke stereotypes and established new relationships,

– raised their level of communicative and interpersonal skills,

– increased their level of self-confidence and realized the importance of the self-assessment process in terms of their own development,

– a sense of European citizenship has grown due to communing with another culture belonging to one European community,

– opened up to the world, widened their horizons and undertook active attitudes.

We are glad of being a part of this wonderful experience for all the participants! Below You can have a look how the last group was working and spending their free time.


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We have a bit pleasure to announce, that project „Practice without borders” no. 2018-1-PL-1-KA102-048141, of our partner school ZS CKU in Czarnocin has been approved and is getting started this month! You can find more details below:

Duration: 01/09/2018 – 31/08/2019 (12 months)

Project partners: ZS CKU in Czarnocin (Poland) and Georgikes Ekmetaleuseis & Training Services (Greece)

Continue reading Forward cooperation between GETS and ZS CKU in Czarnocin

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Another from our partners’ project got approved. This time it is School Complex No. 1 from Sokolow Podlaski. In this project, there will be 80 students involved from 5 different professions: Hospitality Technician, Economy Technician, Car Repair Technician, IT Technician and Cook. We are more than happy, that we will have an an opportunity to work with another polish students. There will be two mobilities implemented in frame of the project. First one with 35 students, and second with 45.


Project has many different targets, which are:

– Including 20 students in the field of hospitality techniques in the implementation of foreign apprenticeship, 20 in the direction of economist technician, 20 in the direction of IT technician, 10 in the profession of cook and 10 in the profession of car repair technician.

– Including at least 50 people with fewer opportunities (from low income families, incomplete families, rural areas, difficult access to school, culture centers, etc.).

– Including in the project implementation at least 8 teachers who are tutors, coordinators, or persons who evaluate and approve the learning outcomes achieved by students, in order to raise their competences in the initiation and development of future activities for the development of the school and the youth studying there.

– Strengthening international partnerships for the development of the vocational education sector.

– Development of professional competences dedicated to each of the 5 professions participating in the project.

– Development of language competence of 80 participants by enabling them to interact with the English language in a real work environment.

– Development of soft competencies of 80 participants (team work skills, broadening cultural and social awareness, increasing sense of responsibility and development of entrepreneurial and active attitudes, etc.).

– Development of the educational offer of ZS No. 1 in Sokolow Podlaski and improvement of the quality of education through familiarization with good practices used in the vocational education and training sector outside of Poland.

– Development of competences related to the process of preparation and implementation of international projects in cooperation with experienced partners from Greece and foreign enterprises and workplaces.

– Using new methods of validation and certification of the achievements of vocational education participants, in order to equip them with additional advantages before entering the labor market.

After recruitment process, students will go through preparation trainings, which will focus mainly on the linguistic and cultural concept. They will have classes to improve their English, especially if it comes to daily communication and profession vocabulary. They will also learn how to speak Greek on basic level. The last but not least, they will also find out more about cultural and pedagogical aspects of the project.

We cannot wait to host them in sunny Greece! Besides oh hard work, they will also have reach cultural programme which help them to know Greece better, with her historical heritage. We hope that thanks to the project, the Youth from Poland will increase their chances on the European labour market. To make them safe and comfortable, besides 8 teachers from the school, they will also will be under supervision of our staff member, who are experienced and have great approach to young people. We are sure that participation in the project and mainly in the mobility, will be unforgettable experience for students from Sokolow Podlaski.


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As we already mentioned, few weeks ago we started evaluation process of the project „Qualified European specialist from Dąbrowa Tarnowska” and we are happy to announce that we have first result of our common work with Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 2 im. K.K. Baczyńskiego w Dąbrowie Tarnowskiej. This is project’s brochure (unfortunately only in Polish so far), which is a very good way to promote its results. If you would be interested about out initiative, you can read more about the project in previous articles.

You can find there information about the project: its goals, benefits, description of cultural programe implemented during both mobilites. Luckily, there are many photos from internship and trips to Meteors or Thessaloniki for example. So you can easily see it how much fun we had, during 24 days, when participants of the project were in Greece in November 2017 and April 2018. Second group had definitely better weather, but both were equally satisfied.

Last week we had a meeting during which we were discussing all the project aspects, starting with cooperation with school, and what we can say after all, that we very miss all the people from Dąbrowa Tarnowska which we were hosting here, in north part of our beautiful country – Greece. But to not make you waiting, please see the brochure! I hope you will like it as far as we did!


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What a memories! 🙂

The result of the project realized in cooperation with ZS CKP in Bujny has just came to our hands and it brought again all of the memories that we have connected with the students of this school.

The brochure which You can find below is presenting the results of the project, but also its main aims, idea, description of partners, the mobility experience and learning outcomes. We are so glad to be the part of this wonderful adventure!

Keep the fingers crossed for next initiatives undertaken together!

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Great result of the project, great result of common work of ZS CKU in Czarnocin and Georgikes Ekmetaleuseis & Training Services crew!

Brochure is presenting the flow of the project, achieved goals, results, learning outcomes gained by the group of 30 participants studying their 3 professions – Nutrition and food services technician, Landscape architecture technician and Agriculture technician.

Having in mind that our partner – ZS CKU in Czarnocin is planning next initiatives dedicated to vocational education and training in cooperation with our company, it’s just hard to stand waiting for next meetings and implementation of further activities!

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85 students, 8 teachers, in total 24 days and a lot of work and great moments. That’s in our opinion the shortest, but also the best conclusion according to Qualified European specialist from Dąbrowa Tarnowska project, which we were a partner, who responsible for organizing stay of the young people in Greece and implementing, created commonly programe of internship.

Continue reading Project follow up and finalisation

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Just after the return of the first group, next participants from Szydłów came to Greece. We had a great pleasure to host in the period 23rd of April to 4th of May 2018 17 Nutrition and food services technicians from ZSP CKU. They were all working in the kitchen and restaurant of San Panteleimon Hotel, where they could gain some useful skills, acquire new knowledge and competences about their profession.

While realizing the traineeship lasting together 80-hours, students did the practical tasks, indicated and supervised by people dedicated to coordination on-site practices. The tasks they fulfilled were – among others – the following:

– organizing a workplace in accordance with the applicable requirements;

– preparation of dishes and drinks based on recipes;

– choosing methods and techniques to perform specific dishes and drinks;

– choosing spices for a specific dish or drink;

– distinguishing between machinery and equipment used in gastronomic production and food and beverage expedition;

– use of catering equipment in order to perform professional tasks;

– planning the stages of preparing dishes and drinks or semi-finished products;

– organizing work positions for particular stages of preparing dishes or drinks or semi-finished products;

– applying the rules for securing food and drinks until the moment of dispatch;

– weighing or measuring food and drinks according to a given portion size;

– applying adopted rules for portioning, decorating (arranging) dishes or drinks;

– planning the production of food and drinks for a group of consumers;

– applying the principles of rational nutrition while planning meals;

– use a variety of customer service methods;

– settling the costs of services performed;

– applying the rules for setting tables;

– applying the principles of washing, care and storage of various types of equipment and tableware.

Of course, there was also some free time during which everyone could use the opportunity to be near the seaside, in beautiful Greek nature. The weekend was dedicated for the cultural activities and students have visited Meteora, as well as went to Skiathos tour.

Photos presenting time spent in Greece by this group below 🙂

See You next time!

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