
We are glad to announce that project of our partner – Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych im. Władysława S. Reymotna w Brniu was accepted by polish National Agency and it is going to be implemented at the turn of 2017 and 2018. Application was highly scored by evaluation team. The project Internships abroad as a chance for the intensification of the professions: technical construction and landscape architecture, will be implemented in frame on Erasmus+ programme in vocational education and training sector.

Main target of the project is to give a chance to the students from the school to have foreign internship, which takes place in Greece. Additionaly, thanks to the projects, participants will be able to improve their vocational and soft skills, reach very useful experience by working in real workplace and brake a barriers connected with using foreign language. In order to fulfill those targer, our mentor team will be working very hard, helping them, supporting education process and solving all the problems which can occur. In this task, they will be assisted by teachers from the polish school, who are also very experienced and skilled. They are going to create a big team, which let increase number of beneficiaries of the project.

Next few weeks we are going to spend on setting all the details according to stay of polish group in Greece, Besides of internship, they also will have some cultural trips, to let them see how the real Greece looks like. We also would like to arrange some other activities for their spare time, to not to be bored. We will do our best to create a friendly environment to develop skills, but also have fun and know more about our culture, history and habits.

If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!