Between 14-25 September 2020, a group of 40 students from Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski School No. 4 in Warsaw, took part in a 12-day internship abroad, carried out as part of the project „Step towards Europe”. The assumption of this project was to enable the vocational and personal development of our students who have been chosen from the following professional majors: Economist Technician, Advertising Organization Technician, Tourism Service Technician, in total there were 40 people. A two-week foreign mobility was planned in Greece, in which also took part pupils with fewer opportunities. The idea of joining the project was a result of the diagnosis of the needs of our students, teachers, analysis of the labor market and changing conditions in the environment which school has made before start of the project.
Students of our school thanks to participation in the project have a chance to better prepare them for further stages of education and moving around the labor market, taking into account their individual developmental and educational needs. Creating opportunities for foreign practice make it easier for students to function on the national as well as global job market.
The assumed objectives of the project had an impact both on the participants, including students and teachers, and on both sides (school and our organization), raising its level of education, on other students thanks to sharing project results, on parents who had participate in information meetings and signing documents and on other entities that are related to the school. We should also mention professional companies that received potential qualified employees with international knowledge and experience, which is also the goal of the project. The additional goal of the project is the desire to acquire new candidates for education in school, who will be able to train in selected occupations, both on national practices, as well as participating in foreign youth mobility projects in future.
You can find more information in the brochure accompanying this article.