First mobility implemented in frame of the project Project „3, 2, 1 – Go! Investment in knowledge as a gate to professional success” behind us. Between 28th of October and 8th of November we hosted 22 students from Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych im. J. Kochanowskiego in Wegrow. They are from different vocational profiles:
– economics technician – 12 people
– information technology technician – 10 people
To ensure proper safety and also substantive support, they were two teachers as a companying person. In cooperation with Greek mentors from our organization and from specific companies, they created learning-friendly environment. It was extremely important, especially that it was first foreign trip for majority of students. What is more, they had to get acclimatized to work properly and improve themselves as much as it is possible. It was very important for both organizations as this project is dedicated to young people and their personal development.
Students implemented 80 hours vocational internships. They were supposed to fulfill tasks and orders received from mentors who took care to combine their work with demanding’s of internship program. Students work individually and in mixed groups, depends on complexity of tasks. They had opportunity to feel as a part of the company. This experience can be reached on school workshops where they usually practice their skills. New experience, new knowledge and new skills will be great added value to their CVs. It was proven by few certificates which makes sure, that employers will know about their powers.
Important part of their stay in Greece was also cultural program with its trips and leisure time animations as Greek evening. We were happy to give them opportunity to get to know our culture better.
On the end of the mobility, we distributed project’s certificates. They will help participants in looking for a job in the future. We also took part in the evaluation, which showed that project was not only well-planned, but also well-implemented. We are really happy that group came back home in good moods. We hope that second group will be also satisfied.
If you want to be updated with the project, please check facebook fanpage where you can find many photos and other interesting materials:ę-bramą-do-sukcesu-zawodowego