About project

Project „3, 2, 1 – Go! Investment in knowledge as a gate to professional success” [Polish title: „3, 2, 1 – Start! Inwestycja w wiedzę bramą do sukcesu zawodowego”] is directed at 50 students from Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych im. J. Kochanowskiego in Wegrow, who are being educated in the following professions:

– economics technician – 12 people

– information technology technician – 10 people

– agribusiness technician – 8 people

– cook – 6 people

– vehicle mechanic – 6 people

– hairdresser – 8 people.

The objective of the project is the participation of the students in the vocational training in our country, in experienced Greek companies. Students will take part in the internship divided into two mobilities. Each group will be accompanied by school teachers to ensure the proper safety level:

– 1st mobility: 28.10-08.11 2019: 22 people + 2 teachers

– 2nd mobility: 19-29.05.2020: 28 people + 2 teachers.

The aim of the project is the development of professional competences of students, their knowledge and familiarization with the reality of work in international team. During the educational path in school students gain basic knowledge and skills but it is necessary to enrich it with supporting the improvement of practical skills. Taking into consideration bigger and bigger meaning of foreign markets the ability of participating in vocational training will constitute an additional advantage at local labor market. The development of school can also be qualified as the aim of the project. Our institution not only will establish international cooperation, but it will also improve its quality and methods of teaching. In long-term perspective the project will influence the development of polish, local labor market due to educating people characterized by high knowledge level and broad practical skills in chosen profession. Specific aims of the project can by qualified as:

– developing the ability of working in a group

– developing knowledge and skills concerning professional education of our students

– preparing participants for working in international teams

– developing knowledge concerning using English

– enhancing self-esteem of our students

– enhancing the opportunities of our students for gaining better employment after graduation

– improving school’s prestige in the region

– using good practices observed during the training in teaching

– developing the competences of teachers, as profession practitioners

If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!