Our common project with ZS CKR in Korolówka-Osada

In the period 17/06/2019 – 16/10/2020 in cooperation with our company Zespół Szkół Centrum Kształcenia Rolniczego in Korolówka-Osada is realizing the project entitled “European Korolowka – foreign internships as a chance for development”.

The main aim of the project is to develop opportunities related to vocational education and training implemented by the school, through the implementation of international mobility initiatives covering 82 students training in fields of agricultural mechanization, agribusiness and nutrition and food services.

The specific objectives that are to be entered into the general goal while allowing for its achievement are:

1) preparation and implementation of professional mobility for 2 groups of students: first of 50 people and second of 32 people, dedicated to the implementation of 12-day vocational training programs for agricultural mechanization technicians (TMRiA), agribusiness technicians (TA) and nutrition and food technicians (TŻiUG);

2) including at least 60 students with so-called smaller chances and their professional and social activation;

3) preparation and implementation of preparatory programs, including comprehensive training support for students before departure, to facilitate their adaptation in a new environment and maximize the use of received development opportunity;

4) development of professional and social competences (including language skills) of 82 participants and raising their motivation to learning;

5) building a strong and longterm partnership with a Greek partner and at least 2 companies in the agricultural and HORECA sector in Greece;

6) creating a space for exchanging good practices in the field of organization and management of the subjects of the vocational education and training sector and the adaptation of the methods and tools to school realities and the changing education sector;

7) motivating the teaching staff of ZS CKR to raise qualifications and to be more active in the field of initiating and implementing new programs, activities and projects serving the development of the whole school community;

8) development of the educational offer of ZS CKR and raising its prestige by building European dimension of the school;

9) promotion of European values, at the same time being part of the school’s main goal: solidarity, democracy, tolerance, justice and freedom.

The participants of the project will be 82 students from ZS CKR, studying in the following fields: TMRiA, TA and TŻiUG. All of them are students of the second, third and fourth technical secondary school which is part of the ZS CKR. Those students are talented and hard-working young people who, due to the areas from which they come, must face many difficulties. Origin and location many times affect the student’s development opportunities, limiting their involvement, which is why the important role of the school is to create new opportunities for development.

The main activities under the project will be 2 trips of professional mobility. First group of 50

participants will be supported by 5 school teachers and the second – consisting of 32 students will be supported by 3 school teachers. First trip is to take place in the autumn of

2019 (the second half of October 2019) and will be dedicated to the implementation of internships of students of IV class in fields of TMRiA, TA and TŻiUG, including support for a total of 50 students. The second trip is planned for the spring of 2020 (first half of May 2020) and it will include 32 students of second and third grade in the field of TMRiA and TA. Within their framework, participants divided into smaller working groups as part of their professional profiles will work under the supervision of Greek mentors in enterprises of selected industries. Participants will work according to the accepted core program 6-8 hours a day, depending on the needs and capabilities of the workplace, receiving full support from their teachers and mentors responsible for monitoring and mentoring, as well as taking care of all organizational issues – starting from assistance in health matters to the provision of workwear.

The project will allow for further development of practical vocational training, including international cooperation to the created environment allowing students for comprehensive development including professional and social competences. Together with the development of ZS CKR potential and building the image of an open, mobile school, training in accordance with European standards, the school won’t develop only in its local activities, but also will take another very important step on the way to greater internationalization of its activities, bringing to itself, students and teachers, as well as the entire local community closer to Europe. The project will therefore provide strength and motivation for learning foreign languages, improving results in professional subjects, greater involvement in school life, as well as activities for creating and using existing chances and opportunities.

If you are looking for more information, feel free to contact us!