Project Data:
Project implemented by the European Foundation for Education and the Sports and funded by Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój (PO WER), project number 2015-1-PL01-KA102-016212.
Project duration: 12 months (2016-01-01 – 2016-12-31)
Project Description
Between 14.04-25.04 and 20.06-1.07 two groups of young people (14 and 18 people) took part in a vocational training in Greece. Professional experience was realized within the framework of the project „Agribusiness – New opportunities for the regional labor market” and was organized by the European Foundation for Education and Sports. The project was addressed to 32 students enrolled on the techniques of agribusiness in the Vocational School „Zespół Szkół Centrum Kształcenia Rolniczego” in Jabłoń, Poland.
The basis of the project was to carry out a vocational training in Greece. Participation of students in the internship program broadened their theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in school and they gained the opportunities to benefit from the experience of highly specialized Greek workers. Vocational training framework program responded to local needs of agricultural regions, which students come from. It also took into account the objectives and requirements of education in the profession of agribusiness technician.
For the effective implementation of the project students attended linguistic, cultural and psychological workshops before going to Greece.
The project was adapted to contemporary challenges posed by agriculture and responded to the needs of the local labor market. During vocational training in Greece students had the opportunity to increase their entrepreneurship skills, which in the future will cause the creation of agribusiness and agro-touristic farms, so crucial for the development of their region. Skills and competencies that students have gained during the apprenticeship will allow them to find their way in the future and increase their opportunities in the labor market.
In a free time, students enjoyed the charms of the Aegean Sea, swimming and sunbathing on the beach and enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather and local attractions. Unforgettable were also trips to Greece and tasting of typical Greek cuisine.
Practice in Greece allowed students the opportunity for professional development and have an amazing adventure, during which they got to know Greek culture and country, tried another life, become more communicative, open-minded and courageous while also improved their knowledge of English.